
Posts Tagged ‘Knitter’s Review’

I am working on Christmas presents. I am making a version of the Benny the Monkey from Beth Doherty’s book Amigurumi! Super Happy Crochet Cute. Only my monkey will be a cutsey girl monkey cuz that’s what my granddaughter wants. She knows I am making it for her so I can tell you about it, but no pictures until after Christmas.

I was working on the muzzle the other night and following the book. The instructions read “Rnds 3-23: Sc in each sc.” Then the next thing you know, they say “Rnd 9: (Invdec, sc in next 2 st) 3 times (9 sc).  And at first I’m wondering if I had missed something. Then I started measuring and realized 23 rows were way too many. Didn’t really want to just assume that the instructions should be “Rnds 3 – 8: Sc in each sc.” So I decided to go online and see if there were corrections for the book on Beth’s website. There was a nice little announcement that a correction page for the book was coming soon, but I needed to know right away.

Then I remembered… and how could I forget, all the great people, information and help on Ravelry. I quickly logged in and did a search for the pattern. There it was! The answer!  Errata! Muzzle instructions read “Rnds 3-23: Sc in each sc.” should read “Rnds 3-8: Sc in each sc”. One of my Ravelry family had actually found this information in a Knitter’s Review forum. (Links to these sites are on the sidebar). Once again Ravelry has proven itself a very valuable tool.  I heart Ravelry! And Knitter’s Review, too!


This is the muzzle in question, in a picture from Beth’s Flickr account. Thank you Beth for some of the cutest patterns in your new book.

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